Religious education
What is the importance of the Torah?
Ideal for KS3/CORE RE Judaism.
What food laws do Jews follow?
Ideal for KS3/KS4 CORE RE.
What is the importance of marriage? (Judaism)
Ideal for KS3/ KS4 CORE RE.
What are the effects of Original Sin on humankind today?
Idea for KS3/KS4 CORE RE
What is faith?
LO What is faith and how do people’s experiences differ?
Ideal for KS3 / CORE RE.
Questionnaire HW task included where students will ask big questions of faith to a person in their community.
What is the story of David and Goliath?
Ideal for KS3/ CORE RE.
Explores the story of David and Goliath reflecting on how David might be a role model to people today.
A3 Worksheet included.
What did God reveal about himself to Solomon?
Ideal for KS3/ CORE RE.
Differentiated Creative Tasks included.
Create your own religion activity (End of term)
Create your own religion activity KS3/KS4
What was the annunciation of Mary?/ Christmas lesson Christianity
Ideal for KS3/ CORE RE.
Great end of term activity before Christmas.
3 part video of the Christmas story
Creative christmas card activity, templates incl.
What does it mean to be human?
Ideal for KS3/ CORE RE.
Explores what it means to be human
the story of Malala
‘faith over fear’ with Will Smith
What is meant by prophecy?
Ideal for KS3/ CORE RE.
Explores the meaning of prophecy
Harry Potter & Prophecy
What are the Beatitudes and how were they revolutionary?
Ideal resource for KS3/KS4 (CORE) Christianity
How easy is it for us to do what Jesus wants us to do?
Ideal for KS3/ CORE RE.
Who is Jesus?
Ideal for KS3/ CORE RE.
How did Jesus show compassion and how can we remember to show kindness?
Ideal for KS3/Core RE.
The Woman caught in Adultery
Ideal for KS3/KS4,
Stoning of Stephen
Ideal for KS3
Saul to Paul
Ideal for KS3 Christianity/ CORE RE
What is Pentecost?
Ideal for KS3/CORE RE Christianity
Reconciliation, Christianity
Ideal of KS3/CORE RE